Sofia, 29 June 1910
Dear Dr Dukhov,
I received your letter. I am quite busy right now. I will only give you several guidelines upon which you can write the mentioned article.
Christ came among the Jews, they rejected and crucified him, becoming afraid of His teaching, lest it might cause the destruction of their people. Christ came among the Latin race, [and] they created the inquisition for Him. Christ came among the Anglo-Saxon nations. They told him: we will not crucify you, neither will we create an inquisition for You. If You want us to be of service to You, if You want us to work for You, give us money, pay us well, we will work diligently for Your cause. Christ is coming among the Slavs. What will they choose and what will they ask of Him? That is the question. The history of the past is in front of us, it is open; it is the future that is left to be revealed. What page will Slavdom turn - this is the important thing. If it wishes to embark along the wide road of the trampled cultures of the past [1], there is nothing to be said. If, however, it chooses the straight and narrow path of creating a new culture for the unification of humanity, then it has a lofty mission which it must willingly fulfill with its life. Slavdom must be a bearer of Love and peace, it must take a stand against evil. [The science of] statistics tells us [2] that the future belongs to the Slavs.
For now you do not need to hurry. Have patience, everything will settle [just] as it is ordered from above. Life is not without a plan. In life everything is foreseen and well-defined. As long as you are faithful, the path will be made clear for you. Only the good things require time and patience. These things are known to you. The past must be re-created, purified and renewed. The image of the Divine things must be restored. The Soul must resurrect. The Spirit must come to life, life must acquire its invariable foundation and God must ascend and rule. The foundation of the New Altar must be laid, the temple of the soul must be erected and its sovereignty [3] renewed. Fear not, little flock, your Father has good-willed to grant you a Kingdom. So said the One, Who uplifts humanity. The power is not in the multitude, it is in the unity of Love.
My regards to all.
Yours truly: P. K. Deunov