Sofia, 2 Feb 1902

Dear Br. Kirov [1],

I write this letter to enlighten you about some things. I know that you have great adversities, but do not let your faith diminish. After everything God's blessing will come - be faithful in the small [things]. The Lord will reward you, He knows your adversities and sufferings, but He does not forget. Keep the fortress, because we will have to put up a great resistance to the evil one, we will soon have to accomplish our battle and the Lord will be with us in this valiant deed. Fear not. Here also there are many obstacles and I carry a heavy burden. I desire your upliftment and perfection with all my soul. And when I know that you {pl.} are faithful and unswerving, I rejoice. The words I speak to you will be experienced [2]. I wish us to meet at the agreed time. A program will be given to you {pl.}. Accept with a glad heart that which is instructed [3] from above.

Yours truly: P. K. Deunov


[1] Penyu Kirov (1868-1918) was one of the first three students of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno), alongside Dr. Mirkovich and Todor Stoimenov. He was one of the Master's closest students.
[2] proven as a result of being tried by experience or tested
[3] literally: dictated (as in someone reading out aloud for the purpose of another writing down the words).

Translated by: Christophorus, Published online: 27/28 Dec 2006
Reference: "Izgrevat", Volume XI, Biblioteka "Jhiten Clas" (Vergilii Kreustev), Sofia, 1999, ISBN 954-9915-02-6
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