"The Flowers"

{Memoir by Boris Nikolov}

The convention in Teurnovo had passed and the friends had gone home. Several brothers and sisters stayed with the Master. After dinner a conversation usually took place, which sometimes went on until midnight. After this brother Dimitar Dobrev from Sliven saw off the Master to his small room, before retiring to his own room. He [Dimitar Dobrev] was about to go to bed when somebody knocked at the door. He opened - it was the Master. "Dimitrii, pass me the watering-pot so that we can water the flowers". And thus, at two o'clock in the night the Master and br. Dobrev watered the flowers.

The Master felt life as one great whole. He felt the needs of even the smallest beings. He was not indifferent to the sufferings of the small brothers, wherever they are. He had descended to uplift the small brothers among the humans and that is why he gave them the Word and showed them the path of the spiritual-student.


Translated by: Christophorus, Published online: 12 Mar 2006
Reference: Memoir by Boris Nikolov (1900-1991) from "Examples From Our Life With the Master", No. 12
Original source: "Izgrevat", Volume II, Biblioteka "Jhiten Clas" (Vergilii Kreustev), Sofia, 1995, ISBN 954-90041-1-2
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