Prayer of Thankfulness

We thank You Our Father, for the Great Love, with which You have embraced us.
We thank You for the life, which You have given us.
We thank You for the mind, which You have placed within us.
We thank You for the Virtuosity, which You have placed as the foundation of our life.
We thank You for the Righteousness, with which You have surrounded us.
We thank You for the Love, with which You have filled us.
We thank You for Your Great Wisdom and magnify You for Your Truth, with which You have illumined us.
We rejoice at the life, which You have given us and we fulfill Your Will.
Now, because of the Spirit which You have given us to guide us, blessed be You
from us now and forever.


YouTube video: This translation of the Prayer of Thankfulness by Christophorus has been packaged as a YouTube video by sedago - please see his channel for this and other videos of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)'s prayers. The video descriptions offer insightful quotes on prayer by the Master, which are worth reading.

Translated by: Christophorus, Published online: 19 Aug 2008
Reference: Prayer given by the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) to the first pupils in Varna, Bulgaria, in 19 Aug 1903
Original sources: "Izgrevat", Volume XI, Biblioteka Jziten Clas (Vergilii Kreustev), Sofia, 1999, ISBN 954-9915-02-6
The text on this web site is Copyright (c) Christophorus 2006-2015 and the translations are Copyright (c) their respective authors (all rights reserved) - all for the sake of them not being edited; No translation on this web site of the Word of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) is based upon copyrighted material.