Prayer of the Spirit

Lord, our God, let Your sweet Spirit come and engird our spirit
in His kind embrace;

         let Him fill our hearts with the endless Love
                 which reveals Your Presence everywhere;
         let Him strengthen our hands in every righteousness
                 and our feet in every goodness.

We bow before You, our eternal Father, Rock of our life. Blessed are You,
blessed is Your Name in our souls.

Strengthen us, uplift us, so that we may begin to serve for the coming of Your
Kingdom with every joy and gladness for the Love revealed to us.

Only You are One Who knows us and Whom we know, that You are the Light for our
souls, the boundless-space for our minds, the expansion for our strength, the
fortress for our spirits, the fullness for our hearts.

You are the wreath and glory in our life!


YouTube video: This translation of Prayer of the Spirit by Christophorus has been packaged as a YouTube video by sedago - please see his channel for this and other videos of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)'s prayers. The video descriptions offer insightful quotes on prayer by the Master, which are worth reading.

Translated by: Christophorus, Published online: 19 Aug 2008
Reference: Prayer given by the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) in 21 Aug 1922
Original sources: "Izgrevat", Volume XI, Biblioteka Jziten Clas (Vergilii Kreustev), Sofia, 1999, ISBN 954-9915-02-6
The text on this web site is Copyright (c) Christophorus 2006-2015 and the translations are Copyright (c) their respective authors (all rights reserved) - all for the sake of them not being edited; No translation on this web site of the Word of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) is based upon copyrighted material.