Prayer of the spiritual-students of the White Angelic Brotherhood
Thank you Lord, that we have been born in this epoch.
Thank you Lord, that you have awoken us and have called us in the synergy of the
White Angelic Brotherhood.
We pray to You Lord, through the power of Your Spirit, the Great Spirits of the
Living God and our communion through Your Word, let those souls in the world
which do not yet know You awaken.
Bless, Lord, all those who work for Your Deed.
Increase, Lord, their number, so that they too may work on the field of God for
the coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Father, Lord of Love, descend and incarnate in our hearts, that we may
fulfill Your will, that we may be one with You.
God is Spirit and the Spirit of God brings freedom to man, so that he may
fulfill the Will of God.