Prayer to the Lord

Sweet Lord, You who have granted us life and health so that we may rejoice in
You, and have sent us to learn in this great school - the Earth - we pray to
You from our souls: strengthen us with the Power of Your Spirit in the path of
life; teach us through the Holy Spirit to renounce even from now, even from
this very minute, all sinful attractions which until now have had power over us!
We pray to You our God: grant us the necessary spiritual light, enlighten our
mind, and let it always be receptive and perceptive in all the lines of life!
We pray to You our God: teach us how to work continually, to be vigilant, to
prepare ourselves for the work, which we are to fulfil here upon the Earth.
Give us the necessary freedom, so that we may open and unite our souls with
those who You have called for work, and have pointed them to us for them to
be our companions in life.
So in hope that in this way we may create the necessary conditions for the
forthcoming Great Divine Deed.
Behold: we, because of our weakness, of our inexperience, we do not cease to
hinder our very selves, to hinder also our close ones. But behold, we,
regardless of the thousands of our trespasses, regardless of our unbearable
unclean deeds, we, Your disobedient children, when we trust in Your boundless
Love, come to You and pray to You from our souls: take us even now this very
minute under Your protection, lead us in Your steps, and let it be that from now
each of our words may proceed from You, each of our deeds may be under Your
commandment and Your Name!
Grant us and our brothers and sisters, which You have called to work here:
health, patience, meekness, humility, obedience and everything useful, and
finally, as we offer our gratitude we petition You: grace us with Your
Love, with Your true Love!


The translator is unsure of whether this prayer is given by the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) himself or by a follower/student of the Master's Teaching. What is clear is that it was written down in Sliven, Bulgaria, on 9 Jun 1915, and that it is, if not by the Master himself, a beautiful prayer inspired by his Word.

Translated by: Christophorus, Published online: 19 Aug 2008
Original sources: "Izgrevat", Volume XI, Biblioteka Jziten Clas (Vergilii Kreustev), Sofia, 1999, ISBN 954-9915-02-6
The text on this web site is Copyright (c) Christophorus 2006-2014 and the translations are Copyright (c) their respective authors (all rights reserved) - all for the sake of them not being edited; No translation on this web site of the Word of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) is based upon copyrighted material.