The Small Prayer

Lord, my God,
   allow me to behold Your Face.

Gladden me for the sake of Your Name.
Bless me for the sake of Your Mercy.
Sanctify me for the sake of Your Spirit.
Uplift me for the sake of Your Word.
Aid me for the sake of Your Promise.
Guide me for the sake of Your Truth.
Strengthen me for the sake of Your Righteousness.

And blessed be You, Lord, always,
   for You are kind and True to everyone.


YouTube video: This translation of The Small Prayer by Christophorus has been packaged as a YouTube video by sedago - please see his channel for this and other videos of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)'s prayers. The video descriptions offer insightful quotes on prayer by the Master, which are worth reading.

Translated by: Christophorus, Published online: 19 Aug 2008
Reference: Prayer given by the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno)
Original sources: "Izgrevat", Volume XI, Biblioteka Jziten Clas (Vergilii Kreustev), Sofia, 1999, ISBN 954-9915-02-6
The text on this web site is Copyright (c) Christophorus 2006-2014 and the translations are Copyright (c) their respective authors (all rights reserved) - all for the sake of them not being edited; No translation on this web site of the Word of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) is based upon copyrighted material.